源平が生まれるまで(誕生までのあゆみ) Till GENPEI is born - The Journey to Birth.
2022 / 大学生とワークショップ
The Birth of GENPEI: Journey to Creation. This project started back in 2022.

11月、KOUGEI EXPO in AKITA(第39回伝統的工芸品月間国民会議全国大会)にて、成果品として公開されたのが、《色漆わっぱ》です。
The Odate Bentwood Team, consisting of students from the International University of Japan and Akita University of Art, collaborated with Shibata Yoshinobu Shoten to conduct a workshop for new product development. Focusing on white sapwood, which is traditionally considered for offcuts, they devised products with lacquer coating to enhance durability and provide anti-corrosion, with insect-repellent and waterproof effects.
In November, the results were unveiled at KOUGEI EXPO in AKITA at the 39th Traditional Crafts Month National Conference, showcasing the Colored Lacquer magewappa.
TOHOKU CRAFTとは、確かな技術や歴史に裏付けされた東北地域の工芸品のこと。若い世代による新たなアイデアを取り入れた商品開発や、当該商品等の知財を活用したブランドの構築を行うことで、事業創造活動の活性化に貢献することを目的として実施されました。
TOHOKU CRAFT refers to the traditional crafts of the Tohoku region,. These are backed by solid skills and a rich history. The initiative aims to revitalize business creation activities by incorporating new ideas from younger generations, developing products, and building brands utilizing intellectual property related to these products.
チーム内での話し合いにて、日本人の食生活・習慣の変化に応じた器を作ってはどうか、という意見が出ました。その着地点が、カラーバリエーション豊かな漆仕上げです。伝統的な朱や黒は、食材が映えるものとして重宝され、日本人にも馴染みの深い色です。では緑や青など、他の色はどのような使い勝手があるか。食事のメニューをもとに、器の色を考えてはどうだろうか。様々な発想がプロジェクトを盛り上げます。アドバイザーとして参画した森岡淳様からは、「地域のシンボルを思わせる色を」との助言をいただきました。「TOHOKU CRAFT」は、豊かで、新鮮な発想力が実を結んだプロジェクトといえます。
During team discussions, the idea emerged to create dishes tailored to the changing dietary habits and lifestyles of the Japanese people. The culmination of this concept is a rich array of lacquer finishes. Traditional vermillion and black, known for enhancing the presentation of ingredients, are deeply ingrained in Japanese culture. But what about other colors such as green or blue? How might they complement various meal menus? Diverse perspectives are infusing energy into the project. Advisor Atsushi Morioka suggested considering colors reminiscent of the region's symbols. TOHOKU CRAFT stands as a project where vibrant and fresh ideas bear fruit.

Took place in 2022.

Special thanks to
鈴木奈々氏、浦綾夏氏(ともに東北経済産業局 産業部 経営支援課 地域ブランド連携推進室)、大牧圭吾氏(ニッポン手仕事図鑑)、森岡淳氏(鎌倉・文具と雑貨の店コトリ)、齋藤高晴氏(株式会社コミューナ)、水沢正氏、石川直人氏(ともに秋田県知財総合支援窓口)、橋本穂花氏、高桑舞氏、清水若葉氏、(ともに国際教養大学)、結城亮氏(秋田公立美術大学)※2022年当時
Ms.Nana Suzuki and Ms.Ayaka Ura
(both Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, Local Brand Cooperation Promotion Office),Mr. Keigo Omaki (Nippon Teshigoto Zukan), Mr. Atsushi Morioka(Kamakura kotori)Mr. Takaharu Saitou (Communa Inc.), Mr. Tadashi Mizusawa and Mr. Naoto Ishikawa (both Akita Prefecture Intellectual Property Comprehensive Support Desk), Ms. Honoka Hashimoto and Ms. Mai Takakuwa, Ms.Wakaba Shimizu, (Akita International University), Mr. Ryo Yuki (Akita University of Art) *as of 2022
2023 / 専門家と協働
Expertise at Work

Exhibition of Iro Wappa
An exhibition is set to take place at the Wappa Building Store. The anticipation for the release of new products has been voiced by many, creating a heightened atmosphere for development opportunities.
Collaboration with Experts
For collaborative research on materials, and to enhance lacquer coating techniques, we have sought the expertise of Associate Professor Koji Adachi from the Institute of Wood Technology, Akita Prefectural University (Right), Professor Kou Kumagai from the Department of Design and Craft at Akita University of Art(Left).

東北経済産業局「TOHOKU CRAFT 学生コラボプロジェクトを開催します」
Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry - "TOHOKU CRAFT Student Collaboration Project to be held.”
[URL]: https://www.tohoku.meti.go.jp/s_cyusyo/densan-ver3/topics/220823.html

Material Research and Quality Assessment
Mr. Adachi, specializing in wood processing science, conducted durability tests and other evaluations for the quality assessment of GENPEI lacquer painting.
Lacquering Techniques and Guidance
Under the guidance of Mr. Kumagai, a series of lacquer coating workshops were conducted. Led by traditional craftsman Yoshimasa Shibata, participants had the opportunity to learn traditional lacquer art techniques, covering everything from the process of wipe lacquer coating to the repair and reinforcement methods for the wood base.

2024 / 源平販売開始

Crafting with Nature's Bounty
From the perspective of resource conservation, the supply of natural Akita cedar has been halted since 2013. In recent years, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a wood shortage, resulting in soaring prices of timber, including high-aged natural cedar.
Amid the challenges of the pandemic, the question arose: What can we do with our traditional skills and techniques? Over the past few years, magewappa and the dialogue with materials have provided an opportunity for us. With the collaboration of many individuals, the newly born GENPEI aims to continue sustainable craftsmanship as we strive to establish a production-consumption paradigm.