The Ways to Take Care of Lacquered Products
1, 水で汚れを軽く洗い落とす。
Wash away stains with water.
Rinse the product with cold or tepid water if you do not care about oil stains.

2, 洗剤をつけて、洗う。
Wash with a detergent.
Wash the product softly with a neutral detergent and a soft sponge.
3, 水気を拭き取る。
Dry the product with a dishcloth.
After rinsing the product with cold or tepid water, dry it with a dishcloth.

4, しっかり乾かす。
Dry the product well.
Please do not put the product on a cupboard right after drying it with a dishcloth. Leave it to dry completely for a night.
5, 保管は直射日光を避けた場所で。
Store the product avoiding direct sunlight.
粗いスポンジなどで強くこすると、表面に傷がついたり、塗料が剥げたりする可能性があります。 食器洗浄機、電子レンジのご使用はお避けください。
After the product gets dry completely, store it avoiding direct sunlight.
Scouring the surface with a rough sponge may cause some scratches and peeling off of coating. Please do not use a dish washer and a microwave.

The smells of a Japanese lacquer and urethane resin may still remain right after you purchase the product. Wash it with rice-washing water and dry it well if the smells bother you. The smells will naturally be taken away after it is used repeatedly.